story feels like a lump of pulpy mush, no climax or any cadence. Try to tie the lose end of the story from Casino Royal. Put bond in a cheesy position for the girls. You have to be there whenever there’s a vulnerable situation going on with the girl? I’m gonna watch sky fall next, see if he pulls his good old tricks
去广州旅游来回飞机上看完的哈哈美式青春喜剧轻松欢快片名clueless译成感动她77次很有意思艾玛改编成青春校园电影也是牛男女主颜值亮眼刚开始还以为是同父异母兄妹原来男主是女主的ex-stepbrother伪骨科真好磕全员可爱没有bitch和反派转校生萌萌哒女主脸上带点婴儿肥可爱清纯性感兼具行走的衣架子英伦美式经典穿搭教科书放到现在也毫不过时加上细腻的小表情太养眼了渣男埃尔顿、gay蜜帅哥转校生、滑板少年崔维斯和男主乔什这四个主要男性角色各有特色乔什表白那里支支吾吾语无伦次样子可爱爆炸谁能不喜欢young beautiful gorgeous popular sweet warm-hearted的美国甜心呢